Hop in if you dare...
And keep reading for a FAST & HOT EXCERPT from Roadster by Danielle Norman!
It releases September 13th!

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"Here, take this, you need it.”
Those words used to mean something different to Adeline Morgan.
Once upon a time, they preceded her next high.
Now they had a deeper meaning, they were the sacred code of a whisper network of women.
Women who'd been helped by The Iron Ladies.
The wives of controlling husbands.
The partners of cheating men.
The lovers of playboys leading secret lives.
As an Iron Lady, Adeline helped them all. And she loved every minute of it.
And with each case Adeline grew jaded.
Every man had the potential to break hearts and destroy lives.
Until she met the one determined to prove her wrong.
He didn’t want to break her heart…he wanted to steal it.

Adeline’s heart was beating a million miles a minute as she stood in front of Riley’s door.
Hell, she had been standing there for five minutes and had halfway talked herself out of this crazy notion, but then her phone rang.
Swiping to answer and pressing his doorbell at the same time caused an explosion of noise. Well, it sounded more like an explosion because Adeline could hear Gerda barking from inside the house and through the phone.
“Adeline, I’m sorry. Can you hold on, someone is at my door. Platz, Gerda.” Riley gave the German command for Gerda to freeze, and silence fell in time for Adeline to hear the twisting of a lock. The door swung open, revealing the most gorgeous man she’d still ever seen.
She took one step forward and Riley swept her into his arms, his mouth came down to meet hers and giving her the kiss she’d been fantasizing about. His mouth was unrelenting as his tongue tangled with hers and his hands slid down either side of her waist and around her butt.
When he spun, he took her with him and then kicked the door closed, shutting them away from the rest of the world. She hadn’t changed out of her work clothes from earlier, and for the first time, she was really glad that she was wearing a skirt. Riley worked his agile fingers down, down, until he was at the hem and then deftly worked his way back up, his fingers sliding along her smooth legs as he bunched her skirt and lifted. Every inch of the way his hands deftly massaged her thighs until he could feel the heat radiating from her core. As he neared her center the heat intensified until her skirt was totally out of the way and he’d exposed her drenched, panty-clad pussy for his perusal.
“Let’s take this into the bedroom.” His voice was deep, deeper than Adeline had ever heard but she followed him. Fuck, who was she kidding, if he said to drink the red Kool-Aid, she’d drink the fucking red Kool-Aid, so long as she got the fucking orgasm that he was building inside her.
They moved through his house, Riley walking behind her, his arms wrapped around her as he used his body to guide her. The whole time his fingers were working at the buttons of her shirt, then the zipper on her skirt, and finally the clasp of her bra, which got dropped at the side of his bed a second before he was bending her forward over his comforter.
“I’ve dreamed of you, right here in this spot.” His fingers danced down the length of her spine. His palms slid over her hips and her ass, smoothing their way over her curves as he slid her panties down her legs.
Adeline heard the sound of a buckle followed by a zipper, and the swish as his pants hit the floor. Then his mouth was on her skin, kissing along the path his hands had taken until he reached the curve of her shoulder.
When he slid his left hand between her legs, Adeline could feel her own moisture soaking him.
“God. Fuck, I love this. I fucking love the way my fingers sink into you.”
When he stopped, Adeline almost lost it and a smart-ass retort popped into her mind as she tried to demand that he keep going, but he was flipping her over, looking down at her as if she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. For looks like that, Adeline would keep her smart comments to herself.
“God, you’re so smooth. I need to taste you. Lay back.” Adeline did as ordered, her feet dangling off the bed. “I’m impressed, I thought it would take much more to get you do as instructed.”
Adeline pushed up to get off the bed but Riley was faster.
“Uh huh, you’re here, exactly where I’ve wanted you for some time. Let me show you why it’s okay to give in every now and then.”

About Danielle
Before becoming a romance writer, Danielle was a body double for Heidi Klum and a backup singer for Adele. Now, she spends her days trying to play keep away from Theo James, who won't stop calling her or asking her out.
And all of this happens before she wakes up and faces reality where in fact she is a 50-something mom with grown kids. She's been married longer than Theo's been alive, and she now gets her kicks riding a Harley.
As far as her body, she can thank Ben & Jerry's for that, as well as gravity and vodka. But she says that she could never be Adele's backup since she never stops saying the F-word long enough to actually sing.
Danielle writes about kickass women with even better shoes and the men that try to tame them (silly, silly men).
Stalk Danielle!
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2jMFmDi
BookBub: http://bit.ly/2zMOfUg
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2BHW7aX
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2AL1OYf
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2iLv9L7
Website: http://www.daniellenorman.com
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