Forever Valentine PR and More proudly presents the cover reveal for Love in Carson Falls by Paisleigh Aumack!
Title: Love in Carson Falls (The Falls, Book 1)
Author: Paisleigh Aumack
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: Jun 30 2017
Cover Designer: Cassy Roop of Pink Ink Designs

Arianna Morgan:
She never thought life would beat her down. She never imagined the man she loved doing it either. Starting over in a small town was her only option. Once she arrived in Carson Falls, she realized her life never really began until the locals, one specifically, proved that there are things that can mend your spirit.
River Bradshaw:
He never thought the mother of his child would walk away. He also never thought she would end up dead. Living in a small town his whole life, he knew what his life’s meaning was, or so he thought. Once a stranger from out of town started teaching his daughter piano, she proved that life had much more in store for him.
This is a story about loss, love, and how music can teach us about ourselves.
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Paisleigh Aumack was born in Red Bank, New Jersey. She grew up in a small barrier island town and has lived there all her life. She has always loved music, going as far as being a trained musician. Her tastes in music range all over the board, but currently, her heart belongs to country music.
Paisleigh is engaged to the love of her life and lives a fairly quiet, peaceful existence. When she isn’t working, she is writing or she is reading. Or singing at the top of her lungs. Paisleigh began writing a short time ago because she had a story to tell.

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