Tuesday, October 8, 2019

ARC Review - Vince's Vixen by Dale Mayer!


Running away can often lead to the same thing you were trying to leave behind ...Vince is not on board with the wave of romance happening at Legendary Security and so is happy to escape all that, but he soon finds himself aboard a research vessel off the coast of the Galapagos Islands, dealing with his own tide of emotions.Vanessa loves her research trips. This latest one is finally coming to a successful conclusion, as she completes their data collection, when their vessel is boarded by pirates. She's knocked unconscious and moved to an old sinking tub and left adrift in the ocean. She wakes to find the only other female member of the team is missing ...Worried, the team returns to shore, trying to sort out what happenate to return home. Vanessa refuses. She'll help or die trying. Vince can stay with her or go with the others-his choice-but no way is Vanessa's lost researcher being left behind.And, one by one, the other members of the team go missing too ...


Oh WOW! Vince's Vixen is seriously AMAZING! heart pounding thrills and action along with a heart ripping romance that had me sighing and smiling in bliss. This story had angst, drama, and white hot chemistry to make a romantic suspense lover swoon.

I love these Heroes For Hire stories and this one in particular really perked me up. The characters are bold and intriguing while the plot keeps you on edge and biting your lip. It was wild, sexy, entertaining and exciting. I give this book a SOLID FOUR GOLD STARS! 

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