Wednesday, October 7, 2020

ARC Review - Primal Protector (Gemma-Hydrox-Book 6) by LJ Vickery!

 Primal Protector: Federal Paranormal Unit (Gemma-Hydrox Book 6) by [LJ Vickery]


Galvez is unapproachable, grumpy. He’s always a team player, but a loner when not on assignment. His philosophy? Get in, get it done, get out. But the individuals in this particular case aren’t making things easy. Several have gotten under his skin, and the mission is beginning to feel uncomfortably personal. One, brilliant, compelling woman in particular has him rethinking his reclusiveness, propelling him toward making the biggest reveal of his life.

Bambu’s existence has been turned upside-down. She's forced to work for her evil brother, caretake her five-year-old sister, and babysit a galaxial menagerie. She’s barely taken all that in stride when the enigmatic Galvez is thrust into her solar system. What’s she to do when he offers her hope and the potential for a strong partnership…strings attached?


LJ Vickery brings yet another start studded, out of this world entertaining and sizzling read in her Gemma-Hydrox series! 

Primal Protector is AWESOME stuff! For some reason, this book reminded me a bit of Guardians of The Galaxy movie. Why I don't know but it definitely made me smile and excited and I found myself thoroughly enjoying the book. Galvez and Bambu are amazing characters and have such a strong chemistry. I could feel the sizzle and slow burn between them from the first moment they are introduced and I loved seeing the sparks fly between them! The plot blew me away and kept me on my toes and their was definitely plenty of action. The scenery was amazing as well as the descriptions. It truly felt like I was in space and it made for one heck of a fun ride. 


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